Before coming to University, I worked as a humble little waitress at the culinary and social hub of Newton Abbot, The Pizza Cafe. Whilst there, I picked up a few nifty tricks which come in surprisingly handy day to day, and being the kind hearted soul that I am, shall impart them onto you...
So first of all...a good old fashioned hot chocolate. Perfect for perking you up after a long day of lectures or just chilling on the sofa with (it makes a liver-friendly alternative to the usual pint!)
Ever noticed how they taste so much better when you buy them from Costa/Starbucks as opposed to your usual boil-a-kettle-pour-in-powder jobby? All this superior version requires is cocoa powder (easily raided from the back of your Mum's bakery cupboard) , sugar and milk.
First, scoop 1 teaspoon of both cocoa and sugar into a mug. Don't try and be clever and save on calories by missing out the sugar, believe me it will end up tasting foul! Then add just a splash of boiling water to this, stirring until it forms a thin paste. To this, stir in milk, then bung in the microwave for about a minute...voila! Whipped cream is obviously optional, but I'm always apparently looking for unnecessary ways of adding calories into my day therefore needn't think twice before squeezing away :)
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