Fruit and Fibre
In spite of breakfast usually being a rare commodity in my daily lifestyle, today I decided that my 10-7 schedule must take precedence over my belly's desires. So here is my attempt, what I can only describe as resembling rabbit food. Appetising. Some could say it's the Animal Kingdom's revolutionary meeting with the Western World in its cappuccino-mug enclosure...some may just say I was too lazy to wash up a bowl. And to them, I'd say, touché.
...I'm a student? (NB-This excuse will feature frequently in this Blog)
Lucozade and Mini cheddars
5pm. By this point a normal human being may have consumed a hearty breakfast and lunch, and now even returning home to prepare tea. Oh no, hello awkward Tuesdays and hello skipped breakfast and flailing concentration. So with this cheeky little snack, I have a 2 hour Public Affairs lecture to blame for 114% of my daily recommended sugar allowance being consumed in the space of 25 minutes.
Smoked salmon salad with roast Mediterranean vegetables
A plate almost completely consumed by vegetables, by 8pm is becoming far too familiar a sight in attempts to redeem myself, following a day of snacking. Asda's reduced counter I owe the majority of the contents of my fridge to: Since starting University, smoked salmon was one ingredient I deemed immediately off limits; far too self indulgent. However, when it's marked down to half price, well, it's somewhat easier to reconsider your so-called shopping morals. I'm a self proclaimed bargain binger; perhaps I was a scavenger in a previous life. But everything just tastes so much sweeter when you've paid a fraction of its original price for it!
Well, provided it doesn't give you food poisoning...
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